How to save a pear from rust: control measures from the arsenal of experienced gardeners

03.02.2023 15:43

You can tell that the pear tree is seriously ill by the leaves turning red and falling prematurely.

An expert of the online publication Belnovosti, agronomist, and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh told how to combat the fungus that causes pear rust.

First of all, of course, it is worth saying that when choosing varieties for your own garden, you should give preference to those that are relatively resistant to rust.

To restore the health of the pear, you will have to prune the heavily damaged shoots and skeletal branches. The cut should be made 5-10 cm below the lesion.

Wounds on affected shoots must be cleaned down to healthy wood and disinfected using a 5% solution of copper sulfate, and then apply the RanNet or BlagoSad paste.

Photo: © Belnovosti

For faster healing of wounds, it is worth using "Heteroauxin" - 0.5 g of the preparation is needed for a 10-liter bucket of water. The treatment is carried out before applying the paste.

It is also worth paying attention to treating trees with 1% Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride. The first spraying is carried out in early spring, the second - at the very beginning of flowering, the third - immediately after completion, and after another 10 days - the fourth, final one.

There are also folk methods to combat this scourge. Thus, the pear should be watered with an infusion of wood ash, prepared from 10 liters of water and 500 g of wood burning residue.

The preparation should be infused for 2 days. An adult fruit-bearing pear tree will require 10 liters, while a young tree will need 4-6 liters.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor