Why do spots appear on strawberry leaves and what to do to get rid of them

03.02.2023 03:30
Updated: 13.04.2023 20:00

Various spots on strawberry leaves indicate a plant disease.

In this case, it is necessary to immediately take the necessary measures to save the harvest.

We suggest you find out what types of stains there are and what to do to protect strawberries.

Red or rusty spots

This is a sign of strawberry rust, which is caused by a rust fungus.

Over time, the spots merge, the leaves fall off and the plant dies. If you notice such changes on the leaves, destroy them immediately.

Photo: © Belnovosti

To do this, spread a film under the bush and cut off the diseased leaves. Then treat the plant with "Chistoflor", "Prognoz", "Agrolikar" or "Profi".

White spots

White spots indicate that the plant is affected by ramularia, the causative agent of which is Ramularia grevilleana. This disease begins with small white spots, which over time increase in size, merge and affect the entire bush. To combat the disease, treat the plant with Bordeaux mixture 1%, "HOM", "OKSIKHOM" or "Abiga-Peak".

The procedure must be carried out before flowering and after harvesting. Do this in the morning in windless weather and carefully treat each affected bush.

Red or brown spots

This is a sign of a fungal infection that occurs as a result of violations of agricultural practices and high humidity over a long period.

During brown spotting, not only red spots but also brown pads filled with fungal spores form on the leaves. To combat the disease, it is necessary to carefully dig up the diseased plants, take them outside the garden bed and burn them.

Brown spots

This is a very dangerous disease called anthracnose. Dark spots quickly increase in size and turn black.

The plant dies completely in a very short time. This disease is very common in greenhouses, so you need to monitor the plants to be able to save them. To combat the disease, carefully dig up the diseased plants, take them outside the garden bed and burn them. Then treat the plantings with fungicidal preparations according to the instructions.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Red or rusty spots
  2. White spots
  3. Red or brown spots
  4. Brown spots