How to protect a pear tree from rust: here's what you need to treat the tree with

30.01.2023 19:30

It is better to protect a pear from rust than to treat it for this serious fungal disease.

Experienced gardeners recommend carrying out preventive maintenance once a year to avoid difficulties when growing pears.

If yellow-orange spots appear on the leaves, then we are talking about rust. The disease can deprive not only the harvest, but also destroy the tree.

To avoid bothering with treatment, far-sighted summer residents do one simple procedure in the spring.

As soon as it gets a little warmer, the trees are treated with fungicides. For example, Bordeaux mixture is excellent for this.

Photo: © Belnovosti

When the buds have not yet blossomed, spraying is carried out. For 10 liters of water, take 300 g of copper sulfate and 400 g of lime.

The ingredients are combined to form a 3% Bordeaux mixture, an effective remedy against fungal diseases of trees. Many people use this composition to get rid of mold in a bathhouse or summer house.

Experienced gardeners said that rust often attacks fruit trees next to which juniper grows.

This decorative coniferous shrub is a real decoration for the garden. But the fungus that causes rust often overwinters on juniper and then moves to fruit trees.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor