What to do if the plum blossoms but does not bear fruit: reasons and what to do about it

30.01.2023 14:52
Updated: 13.04.2023 18:09

It is not a fact that all plum trees covered with flowers in spring will reward the summer resident with the same generous harvest of fruits. Sometimes it does not even reach the ovaries.

This is not the crop that causes problems for gardeners with the harvest and often the bins are bursting with plums. But the opposite happens.

This is what could have caused the lack of harvest.


To avoid this problem altogether, it is advisable to plant two different varieties of plum closer to each other. Then you will no longer have to worry that the bees did not reach your garden. You can cheat and plant your plum closer to the neighbor's fence.

Bad weather

Cool and damp weather during flowering can negatively affect fruiting. Insects fly less often in such weather, and pollen is less easily separated from flowers.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Ovarian shedding

Again, the cause should be sought in cool weather, but improper tree care should not be ruled out. Therefore, we exclude drought and over-moistening of the soil, do not forget to mulch the soil with organic matter, carry out preventive treatments against infections, rot and other diseases and pest attacks.


Perhaps it is time to deacidify the soil. But it would be better to do this before planting the tree and with dolomite flour. If you haven't applied it yet, apply it once a year to the trunk area.


Soil depletion is a natural cause. Remember when and with what the soil under the tree was last fertilized. To avoid confusion, it is better to use complex mineral fertilizers.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Pollinators
  2. Bad weather
  3. Ovarian shedding
  4. Soil
  5. Nutrition