How to Grow Birch on Your Plot: Expert Advice

23.01.2023 00:01
Updated: 13.04.2023 14:08

Every person can grow a birch tree on their own plot. The tree is unpretentious, and it can be propagated in several ways.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand in more detail how to grow a birch tree on your site and what to pay attention to.

Pros and cons of planting birch trees

There are many controversies about this tree. Therefore, it is worth discussing in more detail the pros and cons of planting birch on the site. Among the main advantages, we can highlight:

1) beautiful appearance;

2) does not require special care;

Birch Tree
Photo: © Belnovosti

3) in spring the leaves bloom early;

4) the survival rate after planting is high;

5) growth is quite fast, and there is no need to constantly apply fertilizers.


• the branches are quite fragile and can break in strong winds;
• there is a lot of debris around the tree;
• birch should be regularly pruned so that it does not begin to grow actively;
• it is not possible to grow other crops near birch trees.

Birch can be called an ornamental tree, so everyone should think in advance whether they need it.

When to start planting

It is better to start planting a birch sapling in the spring, when the average temperature is +10 degrees. If frosts are expected or there is a possibility of them, it is better to refuse planting.

If we consider planting seeds, there are no special conditions regarding timing. The main thing is to choose freshly collected planting material. Few people know that birch seeds quickly lose their properties.

Which landing site to choose

Birch grows quite quickly. Its growth begins with the root system, which actively absorbs moisture. There are several recommendations for choosing a planting site.

1. The top layer of soil must be moist.

2. The soil is fertile and loose.

3. Acidity is neutral or slightly acidic.

4. The area should not be sunny, and the birch will not develop normally in complete shade.

5. There should be no other trees or bushes nearby.

It is advisable to choose a place where the birch will not interfere with other crops. Many forget that the tree can easily harm all its neighbors.

Planting methods

There are three main options:

1) seeds;

2) cutting;

3) transplantation from the wild.

One of the best is transplantation from the wild. You can find a young tree in the forest and transplant it to your site. If this is not possible, you can choose other methods.

Planting from seeds

Growing a birch tree from seeds is not so easy, but anyone can cope with such a task. The planting scheme looks like this:

• before planting, it is necessary to dig up the soil and get rid of all plant debris;
• the soil should be leveled a week before sowing;
• in the soil at a distance of 30 centimeters you need to make holes 5 centimeters deep and 10 centimeters wide;
• humus should be poured into the bottom of each hole and seeds should be placed;
• the soil must be carefully filled in and pressed down slightly;
• after the first shoots appear, the soil should be periodically moistened;
• when the plants grow to 20 centimeters or more, they can be transplanted to a permanent location.

It is better to take a ready-made seedling and plant it. There is nothing complicated in planting a ready-made seedling, as you need to dig a hole of the appropriate size, add fertilizer and water it.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Pros and cons of planting birch trees
  2. When to start planting
  3. Which landing site to choose
  4. Planting methods
  5. Planting from seeds