How to get rid of spider mites in the garden. Some tips to avoid losing your harvest

20.01.2023 02:30
Updated: 13.04.2023 13:16

If plants suddenly begin to weaken and wither, spider mites are likely to have appeared in the area. First, they must be detected.

An adult spider mite is 1 mm long, so it is impossible to see it with the naked eye.

Before you start fighting, you need to learn to recognize the signs that indicate its presence.

Spider mites are not insects. They are arachnids, so insecticides won't help.

What does a spider mite look like?

It is a small spider that has an oval shape. It has a color that camouflages it among plants, so it is very difficult to see it.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The danger of spider mites

The pest feeds on plant juice from stems or leaves. It can live on garden or indoor crops.

The parasite and its eggs can be carried by animals, people, strong winds, and it can also be in planting material.

The colony develops at a high speed. During the year, the spider mite can have up to 20 generations at home and 4 generations outside.

It is easy to notice the affected areas - white spots appear on them, so the plant turns pale, dries up and dies.

In a few days, the colony can destroy the plant, and the tree can die after two seasons. Various infections carried by spider mites penetrate the plant through the punctures.

Plants that the pest preys on


In greenhouse conditions, cucumbers suffer from spider mites more often than in open ground.

The parasite loves warmth, which helps it grow faster. When planted densely, the mite quickly spreads through the bushes, causing them to die.


It is very difficult to solve the problem with tomatoes. The pest can be destroyed by frequent spraying, and tomatoes do not like excessive moisture.


The pest feels very comfortable on indoor plants. However, it is impossible to use acaricides indoors.

Because of this, people most often use folk methods or buy other products.

To get rid of spider mites, use laundry soap.

Rub the large leaves with a sponge, and spray the small ones with soapy water and leave for a few hours. Then wash off the soap and cover the plant with polyethylene. This will kill the pest. However, be careful not to let the soap get into the soil.

Berry bushes

Currants, raspberries and gooseberries most often suffer from spider mites. Because of this, the bush does not bear fruit, sheds fruit and becomes a habitat for the pest. To avoid this, you need to regularly trim the bushes so that the crown is ventilated, then you can notice the mite in time.


The pest may not be noticed until the first ovaries are formed. In this case, the berries do not ripen, dry out, and then the entire bush dies. To avoid this, water the soil with hot water before planting.


If signs of parasite infestation appear, you should immediately begin fighting. In spring, the pest becomes active, so the reasons for its appearance may be different.

Control of the spread of pests

The fight will take a long time, it will require a lot of strength, energy and nerves, because spider mites can get used to the drugs, which is why they will have to be changed several times during the season.


  • Weed the beds regularly and remove plant debris.
  • Keep the soil and plants moist.
  • Spray with garlic infusion at a rate of 2 heads per 1 liter of water.
  • Feed with fertilizers that contain a lot of phosphorus and potassium.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. What does a spider mite look like?
  2. The danger of spider mites
  3. Plants that the pest preys on
  4. Cucumber
  5. Tomato
  6. Houseplants
  7. Berry bushes
  8. Strawberry
  9. Seedling
  10. Control of the spread of pests