What to do if cucumber leaves are wilting. Tips to help you avoid losing your harvest

18.01.2023 03:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 12:26

There can be many reasons for flabby leaves on cucumbers.

This is untimely watering, sudden weather changes, dense plantings, lack of fertilizer or herbicides that have gotten on the plant. If these phenomena are excluded, it is worth paying attention to other, more serious ones.

Root rot

When the leaves begin to dry out first, and then the stem itself with the vines, it is worth paying attention to the lower part of the plant.

If it turns brown, it indicates that the roots in the ground have begun to rot. Favorable conditions for this disease are extreme heat or cold weather.

To prevent the disease, remove all the soil around the diseased bush to the roots, prepare a solution and use a brush to apply this solution to the bottom of the stem to a height of 12 cm.

Photo: © Belnovosti


  • drinking water - 0.5 ml;
  • the drug "HOM" - 40 grams;
  • "Bud" preparation - 0.5 tsp;
  • chalk 3 - tbsp;
  • wood ash - 3 tbsp.

Method of preparation

Mix everything well to form a homogeneous mass. On the second day after treating the plants, sprinkle them with ash or chalk. Or spray the cucumbers with fungicides "Previkur Energy" or "Consento". If you fail to protect the plant, remove it completely from the garden bed and fill the place with a fungicide solution.


With this disease, the stem rots along with the roots at the bottom near the ground. The first sign of cucumber infection with fusarium is the appearance of dark brown rot on the stem, which can encircle the entire stem.

For prevention, use the biopreparation "Fitosporin-M". At the first signs of the disease, treat the plants with "Previkur Energy", "Topsin-M" and other preparations.

Harmful insects

When no signs of disease were found on the cucumber bushes, this may mean that they are being eaten by an insect - a water slug.

To protect cucumbers from this insect, pour the soil with laundry soap dissolved in water or set traps, into which pour beer or bait from "Medvetoks" and "Grizzly". Treat cucumbers from wireworms with "Provotoks", "Barguzin" and others.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Root rot
  2. Method of preparation
  3. Fusarium
  4. Harmful insects