Are your peppers withering, while your neighbors are already harvesting their first crop? Perhaps you are making these fatal mistakes that are ruining your seedlings.
Correct them and forget about empty flowers!
Mistakes of gardeners
Overwatering is a killer of peppers. The roots suffocate in wet soil, and blackleg develops.

A cold window sill is another problem.
At temperatures below +18°C growth stops.
Failure to transplant results in weak roots: plants fall under the weight of the fruit.
Another mistake is using cold water for irrigation. It causes stress and slows down the absorption of nutrients.
Scientific approach
The ideal temperature for peppers is 23–25 degrees Celsius during the day and 18–20 degrees Celsius at night.
Water only with warm water (+25 degrees) when the soil dries out by 1 cm.
After picking (at the 2-leaf stage), feed with “Crystalon Orange” (1 g/l).
Contains potassium and phosphorus, which strengthen the roots.
To prevent fungi, spray the plants with Fitosporin (5 g per 10 l of water) once every 2 weeks.
If the leaves turn yellow, add iron chelate to the soil (1 g per 1 l of water).
Tricks for a Super Harvest
Harden the seeds: wrap them in a damp cloth and keep them in the refrigerator for 2 days (+4 degrees). This will increase their resistance to changes.
Mulch the soil with coconut fiber - it retains moisture and protects against overheating.
During the flowering period, spray the bushes with boric acid (1 g per 5 l of water). Boron will increase the number of ovaries by 40%. To protect against aphids, plant marigolds nearby - their smell repels pests.
Agronomist's advice
"Don't bury the seeds! The sowing depth is 0.5 cm. Otherwise, they will suffocate. And remember: peppers like tightness only in pots. After planting, the distance between the bushes should be 40-50 cm," says Elena , a specialist at the All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing.