If you are used to criticizing your boss for being too picky or strict, try to imagine what qualities a boss you would consider ideal should have.
What should a boss be like?
He doesn't really care that you come to work half an hour late and leave a little earlier.

Only on condition that it does not affect the quality and the final result. He is interested in the details of your business correspondence with the client or the contents of the paper drawer only when it is required for the case.
If there are some unpleasant processes going on in the company, he will not put a good face on a bad game, but will honestly and businesslike inform the work team about the current situation, as well as what he personally is doing to improve it. He is not afraid to admit his own mistake, if such actually took place.
Perhaps you made a mistake, and he scolded you hard. However, when you successfully cope with your duties, he does not skimp on praise. He does not have favorites or "fall guys", he does not have the habit of singling out a person just because he likes him as a person.
Has a perfect understanding of the intricacies of the work process, although he may not know the nuances of programming or accounting.
He has considerable experience in the field that your organization is engaged in and many useful contacts among professionals.
To those who care
He has his own opinion about all processes taking place in the company, and his proposals are aimed at the success of the team.
However, he is also concerned about the mood in the team: how satisfied are people with the state of affairs, are there those who, for some reason, are planning to quit and who specifically would like to make a career.
The boss is happy to listen to the suggestions and opinions of his subordinates. If he does not have time today, he will agree on a meeting for a specific date.
He does not shy away from original ideas and initiatives. Even if the expressed thought does not seem very valuable to him, he does not brush it off: "This is nonsense!", but proves his rightness with theses.
He knows how to manage his emotions and does not allow himself to take out his anger on his subordinates if he is not in the mood.
However, if he is too emotional, this is also not a problem - if the emotions are mostly positive, and he willingly shares them with others.
If you think that a good leader is one who is loved and idolized by his subordinates, then you are mistaken.
Because a boss is not a red maiden ready to be married to everyone. The boss's main task is to be an effective manager. And only then a pleasant person.
Earlier I talked about how to recognize that your boss doesn’t like you.