How to understand that a job suits a person: this is his option

01.12.2024 10:20

How can a person understand that he has chosen his job, that this is what he needs?

Of course, he wakes up with joyful feelings, realizing that he wants to start working as soon as possible, and not drag himself to work as if to hard labor, anticipating that he will have to spend 8 boring and terrible hours waiting for the end of the working day.

Even getting up early does not bother or stress him out, because in the morning the person does not feel tired because work awaits him.

Photo: © Belnovosti

He can even get up early without an alarm clock, feeling a surge of strength and energy. This is a very good sign, indicating that the person is moving in the right direction.

By the way, at work he may not be bothered by such things as an unfriendly team, annoying bosses and terrible colleagues. All this for him is just an annoying misunderstanding, to which he gets used, and if not, then he does everything possible so that he is not disturbed.

At a favorite job, a person reveals himself to his full potential, because he wants to work, he is not, in principle, concerned about money or income, although this is also important.

But first of all, he likes the work itself, the fact that he does it, that he has the opportunity to work, to realize his talents, potential, opportunities. A person has a goal, motivation, why he goes to work.

He plans to advance in his career, he has many long-term plans, he doesn’t just go through his working day, but understands what he should do next.

Perhaps he will leave his job and take on another one, because he understands that the world is changing, you can’t sit in the same place for many years, but at the same time he will retain warm memories of his previous place of work.

If a job suits a person, he will not complain about it, try to change it, wait for a vacation as soon as possible, get nervous, irritated, angry, dream that everything will change.

A person manages his own life, understanding that his work is a part of his life, but not the meaning, but in the professional sphere he is fully realized, and not partially. He is happy every day and is grateful for having such a job.

The only danger is that people become so attached to their work that they cannot imagine life without it, and retirement is a disaster for them.

But for this, there are other areas in which a person can succeed, so from a young age it is best to have several options for where to work, rather than getting hung up on one thing, because multiple sources of income never hurt.

For reference

Work , or labor, is a human activity aimed at creating values or satisfying the needs of the individual and other people.

Earlier I talked about what you shouldn't say at work if you want to be successful.

Vitaly Kisterny Author: Vitaly Kisterny Editor-in-Chief

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