Why You Don't Know How to Save: 4 Main Mistakes

27.09.2024 19:10

Saving money is not only the lot of poor people, but even wealthy citizens try to put aside some finances just in case. However, not everyone manages to save effectively, and here's why.

A very low salary when a person is already depriving himself of everything.

He can't afford even the basics, let alone anything extra, so he pretends to save, but his money still slips through his fingers.

The man is used to living in luxury and does not accept any restrictions, so he does not want to deny himself anything.

If he wants something, then his wishes must be fulfilled. So he spends even more than he earns, endlessly gets into loans or complains that he cannot afford everything.

Photo: © Belnovosti

He believes that saving is humiliating and wrong, so he doesn’t pay attention to discounts and special offers.

A person constantly has unexpected expenses and has to constantly spend money on them.

Not all people can foresee certain situations or cases, and for such circumstances it is necessary to have a cash cushion in order to periodically take money from it.

The person does not know how to look for profitable offers and does not want to devote time to this.

It is normal for him to buy something at an exorbitant price that can be bought for half the price. He believes that the more expensive, the better, although this principle has not worked for a long time now.

So, if a person does not know how to save, he will have a hard time, because he will constantly experience a shortage of money.

To prevent this from happening, you need to learn to constantly compare prices, distinguish quality from counterfeit, have enough money to satisfy all your desires, but not go overboard.

Saving is not so difficult if you don’t try to grab everything that comes to hand, but plan your budget at least for a month, strive to ensure that money still remains, and even if it is only 100 rubles, in a year it will already amount to 1200 rubles, and that’s a lot.

You need to calculate your expenses and costs and not try to buy everything just because it is on sale and in demand.

Even a person with a low income can save a lot of money if he strives to put his finances in order.

Money does not like to be spent thoughtlessly, and will not come to a person who does not want to manage it wisely, but anyone can learn financial literacy.

Earlier I talked about how to increase the financial return of a business.

Vitaly Kisterny Author: Vitaly Kisterny Editor-in-Chief