What we should learn from businessmen

04.08.2024 10:20
Updated: 28.09.2024 01:32

In standard training, it is customary to either copy well-known business schemes or to make mistakes yourself.

Both options are wrong.

After all, if you copy someone else, you may not realize your own potential. And if you make your own mistakes, you may miss time and opportunities.

Some experts strongly recommend studying the biographies of famous people. This is good advice. But it takes a long time and does not always help in a specific situation. Therefore, let's consider what we can learn from businessmen.

Ability to do things simply, efficiently and professionally

Many people, in order to make a good impression on a potential client or employer, overcomplicate their work: they come up with overly complex designs, use complex structures to solve work issues, and so on.

Photo: © Belnovosti

This approach, no matter how enticing it may seem, is repulsive. After all, the more difficult the path, the more effort and resources are needed to achieve the goal.

That is why many entrepreneurs adhere to the golden principle: “You need to do it simply, efficiently and professionally.” Only in this case will it be possible to demonstrate experience, knowledge and practical skills.

It is worth noting separately that when implementing this principle, there is less risk of making mistakes. And, therefore, you can achieve professional recognition in your chosen field of activity much faster.

The ability to benefit from a losing situation (turn a loss into a win)

“You can never win all the time!” is a classic phrase heard from many business gurus.

They are partly right: life has its ups and downs. But if a businessman wants his business not just to live, but to prosper and be the best in its field, then he does everything possible to turn a losing situation to his advantage.

It is difficult. It requires experience, persistence, cunning, readiness to take risks, the ability to analyze the situation very quickly, a lot of knowledge on psychology and the chosen field of activity. But thanks to this skill, no one will ever say that the business was built only by luck and existing connections.

Ability to control and relieve stress

The scourge of modern man is stress. And the higher the career level, the more stress. And so that deals do not fall through and things go more or less smoothly, it is necessary to be able to control and relieve stress.

Stress control is necessary because there are a huge number of situations in life when it is simply physically impossible to interrupt the work or give it to another person. Otherwise, the business will simply be destroyed.

Relieving stress is necessary to work productively and take care of yourself. After all, if you don’t take care of yourself, then you can put a big cross on your job. No one will ever do your job for you. They will find a replacement very quickly.

Ability to work with money

One of the main skills of any businessman. It is worth noting right away that this is a very broad topic. What should be highlighted here?

Control of financial flows. Where does the money go? Why exactly these amounts? Do investments bring the planned income or is it less? Is it possible to reduce expenses without losing the quality of work?

These and other similar questions help you track money, prevent unnecessary expenses in time, and optimize your workflow without losing the quality of the final product.
Opportunity for additional income.

A businessman should be able not only to save, but also to increase his wealth. At the moment, there are many ways to earn extra money. Some of them do not even require special education to control the process. This will help to expand the business much faster, and even get additional investments from business partners.

Personnel training

Usually this point is brought out separately, but it should be considered along with control and the possibility of increasing monetary capital. Why? It's simple: the better people are trained, the greater the profit. This can even be considered as a kind of investment in your own business. It is not worth saving in this matter, as it can bring losses in the very near future.


This is also a kind of investment that can help the business! A businessman should be aware of all new technologies and innovations that can somehow benefit his "brainchild".

At the same time, he must thoroughly study those that have attracted his attention in order to assess whether they are suitable for his work or not.

It is worth mentioning separately about training not related to business (for example, literature, tea ceremony, playing musical instruments). It should also be there. Why?

Firstly, it will help you cope with daily stress.

Secondly, activities that are not related to business can bring many new ideas and non-standard solutions to existing problems.

Thirdly, such activities can bring a lot of new profitable acquaintances and contracts.

Fourth, such knowledge and skills can help make a favorable impression on potential business partners, investors or clients.

Earlier I talked about how to stop wasting time and start taking action.

Vitaly Kisterny Author: Vitaly Kisterny Editor-in-Chief

  1. Ability to do things simply, efficiently and professionally
  2. The ability to benefit from a losing situation (turn a loss into a win)
  3. Ability to control and relieve stress
  4. Ability to work with money
  5. Personnel training
  6. Self-study