Not everyone understands the difference between coffee with milk and coffee with cream. It is clear that cream is fattier, and therefore more caloric.
But does this mean that you should add milk with a minimum percentage of fat to your coffee?
Let's try to figure out which coffee is healthier.

What is the difference
The main difference is the fat content of the product.
While you can find milk in the store with a fat content of 3.5% – maximum 5%, cream can contain up to 40% fat.
Coffee with cream
Cream definitely changes the taste of coffee qualitatively. It acquires a richer taste and a light creamy aftertaste.
Even if you don’t add sugar to your coffee, with cream its taste will still seem soft and slightly sweet.
Coffee with milk
Due to the low fat content, the coffee has a refreshing taste.
At the same time, milk does not interfere with the taste or aroma of the drink.
But the unpleasant coffee bitterness or sourness becomes less pronounced.
It is also known that coffee with milk does not cause heartburn.
But there is no need to rejoice prematurely.
According to the findings of scientists published in the journal AOAC International, coffee with milk or cream becomes less beneficial for health.
Dairy additives have been shown to reduce the antioxidant properties of coffee and make the drink less healthy.