Many people complain that they can’t lose weight, even though they’ve been on a diet for a long time.
They may be making a serious mistake, which is why the weight loss process is not going as fast as they would like.
But what kind of oversight exactly could we be talking about?
Below are the most common reasons for very slow weight loss.
Fast food consumption
Many people are in a hurry during breakfast, lunch or dinner.
And in vain, because with this approach the brain simply does not have time to “record satiety.”
The relief from the feeling of hunger occurs too late: some time after the meal has been completed.
Train yourself to eat slowly, and then you will have the opportunity to give up unnecessary snacks and reduce portions.
In such conditions, getting rid of excess weight will be much easier.
The process of losing weight is unlikely to go well if a person limits himself to only reducing the calorie content of his diet.
Physical activity is also necessary. Therefore, it will not be possible to do without training and jogging.
“But I already go to the gym several times a week!” many dieters will probably say.
There is an important point: most likely, a few hours of physical activity per week will turn out to be very little.
Try to be active in life: walk more often, use the elevator less often, get used to walking for hours, get a dog that you will have to walk often, etc.
Reluctance to complicate training
The weight loss process can also stop because the body has simply become accustomed to the chosen level of physical activity.
Have you stopped feeling tired in the gym or at the stadium? Then make your exercises more difficult or increase your running distance!