How to Overcome Emotional Eating: Secret Technique

23.04.2024 14:30

Probably, each of us has eaten at least once to relieve stress. Negative emotions, such as worry, anxiety, sadness and others, often make us eat much more.

If such an “action” happens once, then there is no reason to worry, but if overeating has become systematic, you should be wary.

To overcome this bad habit, psychologists advise using a comprehensive approach.

This means that you will have to learn to recognize physical hunger, find the reasons that make your stomach feel full, and keep a food diary.

In addition, relaxation techniques can come to your aid.

Photo: © Belnovosti

They mean that you should consciously reduce your stress levels. Try to get enough sleep, include at least some physical activity in your life, and walk in the fresh air.

Perhaps meditation or incense for the home will suit you, or perhaps relaxing baths will be your "magic wand". All of these help relieve stress.

In addition, be sure to make 2 lists.

In one, list the things that fill you with energy, and in the second, those that take it away.

Try to refer to the first list as often as possible and minimize your memories of the second.

Earlier we told you how much butter you can eat per day.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor