To answer the question of why there is a rumbling sensation in the stomach after drinking milk, we need to remember that enzymes are responsible for the digestion of food in our body.
If we talk specifically about dairy products, this task falls to lactase.
The enzyme “carries out its activity” in the small intestine.

Here, under the action of lactase, milk sugar (lactose) breaks down into simple components that are absorbed during the digestion process.
If there is little or no enzyme, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, for the body to digest milk.
Then intestinal bacteria come into play: they pounce on this carbohydrate with gusto and begin to destroy it, although they act in pursuit of their own goals.
As a result, carbon dioxide is produced. The chain is closed: it is this that causes bloating, characteristic of lactase deficiency.
In addition, the disease, of course, has other symptoms, including cramps and abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea.
They appear several hours after milk (in its pure form or as part of other products) has entered the body.
Previously, we listed 5 foods that should not be combined with fruits.