Blood thickening during sleep can be prevented by eating certain foods for dinner.
We tell you what you need to eat for dinner to prevent thrombosis, atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.
What to eat for dinner to prevent thrombosis
As the Zen channel “Nature Heals” reports, thrombosis can be prevented by following the healthy eating rules used in Soviet sanatoriums.

There, for dinner, they always gave not only the main course, but also a glass of kefir and a bun. As a rule, they took them with them and drank them before going to bed.
Kefir (fermented baked milk, yogurt) before bed helps reduce cardiovascular risk and ensures good sleep.
The dinner itself should be light. High-protein foods that thicken the blood (meat, eggs, legumes) should be excluded.
Earlier we talked about how to properly consume bran.