When renovating a room, apartment owners may decide to paint the walls white.
At first glance, this design move is absolutely correct.
After all, a white surface will visually expand the room and clearly add light to it.

However, Yulia Tychino, an expert of the online publication BelNovosti in the field of design and interior, assures that using snow-white finishing material is a mistake.
Of course, white can be present in the interior. Walls can be made partially white.
But a completely snow-white covering will clearly complicate the life of a person who will often be in the renovated room.
Why is white color dangerous?
Yes, thanks to this color the room will become brighter: the feeling of gloom will disappear.
But there is a problem: too much whiteness can lead to excessive illumination.
It will be enough to turn on the chandelier and the light will start to hurt your eyes.
In addition, an abundance of white color will be associated with cold.
It is for these reasons that a room with completely white walls is unlikely to be cozy.
So replace white with cream or beige. Or make the walls snow-white only partially.
Earlier, the expert told how to stylishly and effectively “disguise” batteries.