When entering an apartment, anyone immediately notices its style and furnishings.
Regardless of time, however, some rooms manage to retain their originality and original style.
At the same time, there are apartments that, with some details, immediately reveal their outdated appearance, notes Yulia Tychino, an expert in interior design for the online publication BelNovosti.

To assess the degree of aging of your interior, take a look at the following five items that can give away the age of your apartment.
Analog TV
In the world of modern technology, where almost everyone around has switched to digital television and streaming services, an analog TV is the main feature of an interior that is outdated for several decades.
A large, heavy box with a thick screen, an antenna and a blurry image - all this suggests that the equipment in this apartment has not been updated for many years.
Skirting boards and wood coverings
Parquet floors and wood flooring are always classic, but old and worn wallpaper, skirting boards and stair treads can give away the age of a room.
If these elements have not retained their original freshness and characteristic beauty, then we can assume that the interior as a whole looks old-fashioned and has not seen a good renovation for a long time.
Landline phone
The old rotary telephone, which still lies on the hallway cabinet, is a striking example of the outdated style.
The large plastic tube, the dial with numbers that you turn to dial a number and its long cord all bring to mind the last century.
In the modern world, mobile phones and smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, and a landline phone only emphasizes the old-fashionedness of the apartment.
Cassettes and VCRs
If you still have shelves in your apartment overflowing with cassettes and videotapes, then this clearly indicates that the style of the apartment is outdated.
Nowadays, movies and music can be accessed instantly from the Internet, and classic cassette tapes and VCRs are more of a nostalgia item than a contemporary item.
Sofas in capitonné style
Capitonné, a pattern or design in the form of compacted diamonds decorated with buttons, is a visual sign of an era that is long gone.
Capitonné textile surfaces were popular in the mid-20th century, and if your upholstered furniture in your apartment is still decorated with this design, then it will most likely immediately catch the eye and give away its age.
Modern interior design is characterized only by smooth surfaces and minimalism.
Ultimately, it's worth saying that an apartment's outdated style cannot be completely defined by just five items.
However, the presence of these outdated elements can serve as an indicator that the interior needs to be modernized to create a more modern and attractive look.
Previously, we wrote about three unusual color combinations that you should try in your design.