An insignificant detail at first glance – curtains. Often they just hang on the wall and are not even drawn at night.
In order to hide from sunlight or night lighting, roller blinds are mainly used. Classic canvases play the role of decor.
Yulia Tychino, an expert of the online publication "BelNovosti" in the field of design and interior, told how you can improve your interior with the help of curtains.

In addition to the fact that curtains come in different colors, are made of different materials and have different patterns, they are all attached differently.
What types of curtains are there?
The most popular options are fastening with hooks and latches of the curtain rod. There are also:
- loops and tapes;
- ties and curtains with drawstring;
- and also curtains with rings and eyelets.
How to improve the interior
When planning to buy new curtains, pay attention to the following points.
After all, two pieces of fabric can radically change the interior of your bedroom, living room or other room.
Firstly, warm-toned materials add coziness, while cool colours are used when a light interior is required.
Secondly, the higher the cornice is fixed, the higher the ceiling in the room appears.
Thirdly, when choosing thin curtains, make sure that they are wide curtains - wider than usual. Do not forget that the curtain rod should also be wider than the window.
And finally, it is believed that curtains should lightly touch the floor, but there is an opinion that you can leave a distance between the floor and the material of no more than one centimeter.
Previously we talked about how to arrange a small kitchen .