Combining cottage cheese with certain foods can lead to health problems, nutritionists warn.
We tell you which products are strictly forbidden to combine cottage cheese with and what you can eat it with.
What you can and can’t eat with cottage cheese
Cottage cheese goes well with sour cream, nuts, cucumbers, herbs, and spices.

You can’t combine cottage cheese with meat, fish and eggs, this can cause digestive problems.
Also, you shouldn't add sugar to cottage cheese. The fact is that cottage cheese contains lactose - milk sugar.
Eating cottage cheese with sugar increases the risk of developing diabetes.
In addition, you should not wash down cottage cheese with coffee. This drink impairs the absorption of calcium.
For reference
Cottage cheese is a non-liquid fermented milk product of white color, traditional for Eastern, Northern and (less often) Central Europe, obtained by fermenting milk and then removing the whey.