This additive will turn your borscht into a real culinary masterpiece.

22.01.2025 11:53

Many people love borscht. However, you shouldn't think that it's easy and simple to cook.

Experienced housewives think differently. At least if you want to get a dish that is ideal in color and taste.

It often happens that the taste is not rich enough when the soup is pale in color.

The problem is quickly solved by one additive, which gives the borsch a ruby color and a truly unforgettable, magnificent taste.

Yulia Arkhipova, an expert in the field of cooking for the online publication Belnovosti, spoke about what should be added in order to obtain a real culinary masterpiece.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In this case, the component that can significantly improve the taste of the dish is dry adjika.

This spicy seasoning has a bright taste and characteristic aroma, which will ultimately have a beneficial effect on the preparation of borscht.

However, it is worth remembering that the correct dosage of the ingredient is of great importance.

The most optimal amount of additive is 1 teaspoon of dry adjika per pot of borscht.

With this dosage, you can achieve the perfect balance of flavor in a dish without making it too spicy.

Experts say that it is better to add adjika directly to the frying – to carrots, onions and beets.

This way, the spices can better reveal themselves, and their taste and aroma will be evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the borscht.

After you have added the adjika to the frying pan, you need to add a little water.

Next, add a little salt and pepper (to taste), then add this mixture to the main broth.

Thanks to these simple actions, the most effective distribution of flavor properties is ensured.

Pavel Gospodarik Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

Julia Arkhipova Expert: Julia ArkhipovaExpert / Belnovosti