This casserole is a paradise for lovers of delicious food. In such cases they say - "finger-licking good".
The special feature is that semolina is used instead of flour.
Thanks to this approach, the result is a light, tender, fluffy and grainy casserole. And also – incredibly tasty.

The recipe was shared by the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, chef Yulia Arkhipova .
We will need the following products:
– packaging of soft cottage cheese;
- two apples;
- one egg;
– 2 tablespoons of sugar;
– a quarter glass of milk;
– 2 tablespoons of semolina;
– 10 grams of butter;
- a pinch of salt.
We start by breaking an egg (into a deep bowl), add salt and sugar.
Beat all this with a fork – you should get a light, fluffy mass.
Then pour in the milk, add the semolina, stir and leave the semolina to swell.
Pass the cottage cheese through a metal sieve and add to the bowl.
Wash the apples, dry them, peel them, cut them in half, remove the core, cut them into small pieces and add them to the mixture.
Next, you need to mix everything thoroughly.
The next step: grease the mold (you can use several small molds) with a piece of butter. If there is any left after the procedure, you can put it on top.
Sprinkle the pan with semolina, then put the dough in there and bake in a preheated oven for about half an hour.
The end of the procedure will be marked by a delicious aroma spreading throughout the apartment and the top and sides of the casserole turning golden.
We take out the dish and serve it. We gobble it up and enjoy the excellent taste.