Traditional cabbage rolls have many fans. But there are also those people who for some reason cannot enjoy the taste of meat.
In this case, an unusual version of preparing this dish, which does not contain meat, will come to the rescue.
According to the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, chef Yulia Arkhipova, it is definitely worth trying not only for vegetarians and those who are fasting, but also for those who would like to diversify their menu or are looking for an easier way to cook cabbage rolls.

Step-by-step recipe for cabbage rolls without meat
To start preparing “meatless” cabbage rolls, you should prepare onions, garlic and herbs (it is recommended to use parsley, cilantro and mint) – all of them should be finely chopped.
Now take a deep bowl and pour 2 cups of round rice into it. Spices, namely salt, black pepper, nutmeg, are also sent here. Mix the contents of the bowl thoroughly.
It's time for white cabbage, from which you should separate the leaves and boil them for 5 minutes in boiling water. Alternatively, boil the whole head of cabbage and only then remove the leaves.
In any case, the leaves need to be trimmed to give them a square shape.
At this stage, you should mix the rice with onions and garlic.
This mixture should be placed on each cabbage square and rolled up to form a cabbage roll.
Place the resulting cabbage rolls in a form covered with parchment. Place the layers tightly.
It's time to make the sauce, for which you need to mix 1 cup of boiling water, 0.25 cups of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of salt, 0.5 teaspoon of black pepper and the juice squeezed from half a lemon in a separate bowl.
Pour this sauce over the cabbage rolls, cover them with parchment paper and a lid and bake for 2 hours at 170 degrees (the oven must be preheated in advance).
When you take the cabbage rolls out, wait 15 minutes for them to cool slightly, and then you can turn them out onto a plate to serve.