Cabbage rolls are a fairly popular dish, which will certainly turn out delicious if the filling is prepared according to all the rules.
Yulia Arkhipova, an expert of the online publication BelNovosti and a chef, spoke about how professional chefs prepare stuffing for cabbage rolls.
It turns out that the first thing you need to do is take care of the vegetables: you need to peel and grate the carrots, peel and chop the onion.

Fry the onion in a heated frying pan, then add the carrots.
Now that the frying is ready, you can safely fill the pan with water and wait for it to boil. Pour the cereal into the boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes until the rice is half-cooked.
After this, you need to throw it into a colander and wait until it cools down.
This time can be spent peeling the garlic and crushing it using a garlic press.
Using a grater, grate the tomatoes, previously peeled.
That's it, actually - mix all the ingredients with the minced meat and add spices to the filling.
For one small cabbage leaf you will need 2 tablespoons of filling. Once the cabbage rolls are formed, simmer them over low heat for about 30-60 minutes.
For reference
Cabbage rolls are a traditional dish of Belarusian, Lithuanian, Moldavian, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian cuisines made from blanched cabbage leaves stuffed with minced meat and rice and rolled into a roll, sausage, envelope or roll, stewed or baked in sour cream sauce with tomato.