As you know, in order to deliver mango to its destination safe and sound, it is picked ahead of time. During transportation, the fruit may ripen, but this does not always happen.
Due to these peculiarities of mango transportation, unripe fruits can often be found on store shelves.
In this regard, the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, chef Yulia Arkhipova, decided to share five tips that will help you choose the ripest mango.

1. Be sure to feel the mango: you want a fruit that is firm to the touch, but not "woody." An overly hard peel indicates that the mango is unripe, and one that is too soft indicates that the fruit is overripe.
2. Now smell your future purchase – it should have a pleasant and sweet smell. If you feel unpleasant notes, the fruit is probably overripe, while the lack of aroma is a signal warning about the unripeness of the fruit.
3. A good mango can also be identified by its weight: it is usually quite heavy for its size, which indicates its juiciness.
4. Pay attention to the peel: although it may be of different colors, it should not be wrinkled or dented.
5. But if you have sticky or wet fruits in front of you, visit another store: you can’t buy these because the damaged skin allows bacteria to pass through, which can lead to unpleasant consequences for digestion.