Have you ever noticed that cutlets in restaurants are always juicier, more flavorful and melt in your mouth, while homemade ones often resemble a shoe sole?
It's not about expensive ingredients or a magic frying pan.
One simple ingredient that is available in every kitchen will turn your minced meat into a masterpiece.

Imagine: you're frying cutlets, and your neighbors are knocking on your window, begging you to share the recipe. Sounds unrealistic? Not at all.
The secret lies in a drop of… ordinary fruit juice.
Yes, you heard right. Lemon, orange or even apple juice is added to minced meat not for flavor, but for a chemical reaction that makes the meat incredibly tender.
The acid gently breaks down the fibers, and the sugar caramelizes during frying, creating a crispy crust.
But there is a nuance: it is important not to overdo it, otherwise instead of juicy cutlets you will get fricassee.
How to find the perfect balance? Just add 1 tablespoon per 500 g of minced meat, knead thoroughly and let sit for 15 minutes.
Try it yourself - your next dinner will be a culinary triumph, and your guests will suspect that you have taken a secret course for the elite.
If you are making chicken cutlets, lemon juice will be superfluous. Try replacing it with pineapple juice. Yes, this tropical fruit contains bromelain, an enzyme that literally “dissolves” tough fibers, making even dietary meat juicy.
But be careful: fresh pineapple will turn the mince into mush if you overcook it.
Use canned juice - heat treatment neutralizes excess enzyme activity.
And if you're vegan, try adding a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to your chickpea mince. The acid will soften the beans, and the light fruity note will mask the grassy flavor.
And here's another life hack: after frying, place the cutlets on a paper towel and cover them with foil. This will absorb the fat, but the steam under the foil will prevent them from becoming dry.
You can be sure that your guests will be begging for the recipe.