Nothing causes such active discussions as the correct introduction of salt when preparing meat dishes.
If there is a mistake, the product may turn out dry or bland.
Both options are unattractive, notes Yulia Arkhipova, a culinary expert for the online publication BelNovosti.

How to salt meat correctly
If we are talking about cooking
First of all, it is worth deciding on the correct amount of salt. It is customary to take about half a small spoon of salt for each liter of water. This amount is considered optimal.
Add the meat, bring the water to a boil and remove the foam. After that, immediately add the required amount of salt.
In this case, the meat will turn out perfect.
If we are talking about frying
In this case, if you use salt incorrectly, you can hopelessly spoil the product. Therefore, you should be careful.
There are only two options for the correct introduction of salt.
The first is that salt is added together with the marinade at least 60 minutes before cooking. The second option is simpler: the product should be salted only when serving, but it is recommended to wait five to ten minutes before eating.