Not everyone wants to cook the same thing day after day.
For this reason, experienced housewives always try to try out new promising recipes.
For example, you can make unusual carrot pancakes, says Yulia Arkhipova, an expert in the field of cooking and culinary arts at the online publication BelNovosti.

How to prepare an original dish?
List of products
- one medium sweet carrot;
- an incomplete glass of semolina (about 150 grams);
- a little wheat flour (about 50 grams);
- a glass of warm water;
- a small spoon of yeast;
- a large spoon of sugar;
- a pinch of salt.
Cooking process
First, you need to peel, wash and grate the carrots. Then we start making the dough. To do this, combine all the dry ingredients and mix them.
Next, add water. Mix the mixture again, cover it with film and leave it in the kitchen for half an hour.
Then add the carrots, stir and wait a few minutes.
Next we start frying.
Typically it takes about three minutes for each side of the pancakes.