Many people love shashlik. But, alas, not everyone can boast of cooking a truly delicious dish.
One old Caucasian, an unrivaled maestro in this matter, explained why this happens.
The Zen channel "Petrov.Travel" tells about the secrets of the Armenian. By the way, his shashlik is rated as "fantastic".

This person says: the main feature is that the meat should not be too lean, there must be fat, otherwise the dish will come out dry.
No less important in this matter, according to the master, is the size of the pieces: they should not be small. Large pieces retain more juice.
In the Caucasus, meat is often not marinated. They make do with just salt and pepper.
But if the meat is very tough, it can be marinated in mineral water or ayran.
Vinegar is never used in the Caucasus (an incomprehensible tradition of the USSR), as it kills the taste of shashlik.
Many people pour mayonnaise over meat, but this is absolutely forbidden.
In short, the maestro advises to simply choose good, soft meat in order to avoid many unnecessary problems.
It also speaks about the inadmissibility of excess spices, otherwise you can lose the taste of meat. Spices are designed to emphasize this taste, and not to cross it out.
But still, the main mistake many make is in the cooking process itself, when the meat is already fried.
For some reason, some people think that if you fill a grill with huge coals, pour lighter fluid on everything, and then hold the meat over the red-hot coals, you will get a delicious shashlik. They are wrong.
First, the coals should be small. Second, you don't need to use lighter fluid.
Third: it is unacceptable to fry meat on red-hot coals.
High heat will only cause the meat to burn on the outside and remain raw on the inside.
Therefore, it is recommended to cook only after the coals are covered with a thin layer of ash.