Remember how often you brought home unripe and absolutely tasteless fruits in the hope of enjoying the sweet and juicy pulp of a melon?
To avoid getting into trouble again, next time when choosing fruit, use the advice of the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, chef Yulia Arkhipova - she told what to pay attention to when choosing a melon.
When the melon is ripe, it will have a strong aroma similar to vanilla or honey.

If your nose doesn’t detect anything, no matter how hard you sniff, perhaps you should postpone buying fruit until better times.
Tail and nose
Inspect the fruit from all sides, paying special attention to its tail and nose.
So, the tail of the melon should be gray and dried out - a green stalk indicates that the harvest was collected too early. The nose, in turn, should be soft, without spots and rot.
Before buying, “squeeze” the melon: a firm rind that does not give way under your hands indicates that the fruit is fresh and ripe.
Syringe method
There is another, to put it mildly, unusual way to check the ripeness of a melon, for which you will need a syringe.
Make a puncture about 1 centimeter deep, collect the juice and taste it - if it is sweet, then the melon will be the same. It is a pity, however, that this method is unlikely to be used at the market or in the supermarket.
Earlier we told you what kind of water to throw frozen dumplings into – cold or boiling.