Everyone has heard about the benefits of buckwheat, but few people know that it cannot be consumed with certain foods.
We will tell you which products are not recommended to be combined with buckwheat.
What you shouldn't eat buckwheat with
Firstly, you can’t eat buckwheat with eggs, this can cause heartburn, nausea and diarrhea.

Secondly, eating buckwheat with fatty foods, especially processed meats and fish, can lead to digestive problems.
Thirdly, buckwheat does not go well with wild garlic. Wild garlic impairs the absorption of nutrients from buckwheat.
It is also not recommended to drink milk or tea with buckwheat. These drinks impair the absorption of iron from buckwheat, which is not very well absorbed from plant products anyway.
Earlier we told you whether it is possible to bake Easter cake without kneading the dough.