Scrambled eggs and omelettes are among the most popular breakfasts.
But which of these two traditional morning dishes should healthy eaters choose?
There is bad news for lovers of scrambled eggs: their favorite dish can hardly be called healthy.

If you cook yourself a fried egg every morning, then give up this habit.
It’s better to make an omelette your traditional breakfast: this dish will not have such a negative impact on the body.
What's wrong with scrambled eggs?
Nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg spoke about the disadvantages of this dish.
Scrambled eggs are a bad dish; during the frying process, substances are released that will speed up the aging process, the specialist told Gazeta.Ru .
But an omelette is much better in this regard, the doctor of medical sciences emphasized.
The expert noted that the dish can be prepared without using a lot of oil.
In addition, in the case of an omelette, you can choose a heat treatment option such as baking rather than frying.
Earlier, physician Zukhra Pavlova told what fat content of cottage cheese is best to buy in the store.