Sometimes we don't check for certain important ingredients before cooking, which can make our task more difficult.
Sometimes you also want to abandon standard culinary solutions in favor of new interesting options.
Expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", chef Yulia Arkhipova, believes that replacing breadcrumbs is easy - there are a lot of options.

What to look out for
Many will say that this option is extremely harmful, but the dish will be incredibly tasty. Take a handful of chips with your favorite flavor, crush them with a rolling pin.
Chips go especially well with red meat cutlets.
Corn grits
We often hear that different types of flour can be used for breading, but not everyone knows about the use of corn grits.
Food will become even more interesting.
This type of cheese is hard, so it is first grated. This type of breading will go perfectly with meatballs.
Previously, we talked about how to make oat flour yourself .