Top 10 Cooking Tricks: Only the World's Best Chefs Know Them

20.12.2023 09:41

The dishes will be tasty and beautiful, and the cooking process itself will be a pleasure if you use proven culinary tricks.

1. To carefully cut a soft cake or cheese, use a strong thread, preferably silk. If you don’t have one, you can use dental floss, but don’t use any fragrances. Run the thread through the cake or cheese to separate them into neat pieces.

2. The baked goods will not stick to the pan if you grease the pan with butter and sprinkle it with flour before placing the dough in it.

Photo: © Belnovosti

3. Housewives often encounter a problem when working with the oven, which is that the bottom of the dish remains raw, and the top burns. To ensure uniform heating and improve the result, turn on the oven in advance - 5-15 minutes before cooking.

4. Another trick related to baking in molds. If you don’t have the molds needed for making Easter cakes, julienne, etc., make them yourself by wrapping the bottom of a glass or other dish with foil folded in 4 layers.

5. To quickly defrost butter, place a piece on a plate and cover it with a hot glass. For larger pieces, you can use a steam bath or a grater.

6. Cutlets, syrniki and other dishes will have a perfectly even shape if you use a glass or something similar. Place the cutlet on a cutting board, cover it with a glass and make several circular movements with it.

7. Want your fried meat to have a crispy crust? Dry the piece with paper towels before frying.

8. If there is still some wine left in the bottle, freeze it in ice cube trays to add to sauces and other dishes.

9. Spices will become even more aromatic if you hold them in a heated frying pan for 1-2 minutes before using.

10. To prevent the cutting board from sliding on the table, place a damp towel underneath it. This will make cutting much easier.

Earlier we told you what you can make from broccoli and fish .

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

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