Boiled potatoes are one of the basic side dishes that any cook should be able to prepare.
We expect from a dish not only ease of preparation, but also a pleasant taste.
This can be achieved with the help of two simple rules.

What do they consist of?
Temperature and amount of liquid
Once the potatoes have boiled, there is no point in leaving the heat on high. This can ruin a delicious side dish. Cooking on high heat often causes the vegetable not to have time to cook inside.
Therefore, we cook the side dish over moderate heat.
Potatoes do not need a lot of water. Try to make sure that the liquid "rises" literally a couple of centimeters.
Do not neglect additives, as they will always improve the taste of the side dish. A great option would be to boil potatoes in any kind of broth. The taste of the side dish will be incredibly delicious.
You can add bay leaf, peppercorns and herbs during the cooking process. A quality side dish will be provided.
Earlier we shared an unusual recipe for making French fries in the microwave .