How to brew sea buckthorn tea so that it does not lose its benefits: a classic recipe

08.12.2023 13:20

Sea buckthorn tea is not only a prerogative of the autumn months, when fresh sea buckthorn berries are available.

It can also be prepared on cold winter days using frozen berries.

How to do this correctly, you will learn from this article.

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Photo: © Belnovosti

So, to begin with, here is a list of the necessary ingredients, which includes 12 teaspoons of sea buckthorn, 600 ml of water, and honey or sugar – to taste.

Boil a small amount of water and pour it over the berries in a deep plate.

Wait a few minutes for the sea buckthorn berries to soften, and then grind them using a potato masher or blender.

Place the resulting berry mixture into a teapot and add hot water.

After 10 minutes, which is enough time for the tea to steep, add sweetener and you can try it.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

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