Sometimes housewives who have decided to feed their family with homemade cutlets or dumplings notice with disappointment that the minced meat mixed for the dish turns out to be too liquid.
Don’t get upset – the problem can be easily solved with the help of life hacks from this article.
Minced cutlet meat
It doesn’t matter what kind of cutlets you are going to make – from minced meat, chicken or even fish – the most common semolina will help make the cutlet mass thicker.

Add a small amount of semolina to the remaining ingredients, mix the mince thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
During this time, the semolina will absorb excess liquid and swell, and the minced meat will thicken, and you can safely use it for cooking.
Minced meat for dumplings
If you are planning to have pelmeni for dinner, it is better not to add semolina to the mince. Instead, add boiled potatoes, grated on a fine grater, to the filling.
As a result, you will get neat, and most importantly, delicious dumplings.