Ease of preparation, bright taste and health benefits have made cottage cheese casserole an incredibly popular dish.
However, not all gourmets are satisfied with the consistency of the dish.
Instead of a tender and airy casserole, you often get a dish that is not uniform or soft.

And it's not just about using flour. Some cooks forget to pre-process the cottage cheese. As a result, the dish doesn't turn out perfect.
What to do with cottage cheese
This fermented milk product must be ground very finely.
You can achieve the desired result using a blender or mixer.
If you don’t have such devices in your kitchen, you can use a sieve, rubbing the cottage cheese through this tool.
You should get a homogeneous mass, half a kilo of which should be combined with four pre-beaten egg yolks, to which 70 grams of granulated sugar have been added.
Add 20 grams of semolina to the resulting mixture: it should be used instead of flour.
The prepared mass should be left untouched for 30 minutes, and then transferred to a baking dish.
The dish should be in the oven (160 degrees) for about an hour. But you should focus not on the time, but on the degree of readiness of the dish. A sign that the cottage cheese casserole can be removed from the oven is the appearance of a golden crust.
It is also advisable to pierce the food with a toothpick: the latter should remain dry.