The 1000-100-10 Rule: How to Cook Perfect Pasta

14.11.2023 07:20

Only at first glance does pasta seem like a very simple dish to prepare.

Sometimes even experienced housewives end up with an unappetizing lump instead of a full-fledged side dish.

And this happens because of the unwillingness to maintain the correct ratio of ingredients.

The amount of water is of great importance. The fact is that cooking in an insufficient amount of liquid leads to the fact that the pasta sticks together and does not reveal its taste well.

But there won’t be such problems if you follow a very simple rule, which in cooking is called “1000-100-10”.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The essence of the “1000-100-10” rule

The numbers in the name indicate the mass or volume of a particular ingredient.

It's very simple: for 1000 milliliters of water there should be a maximum of 100 grams of pasta and 10 grams of salt.

Maintaining the above-mentioned proportions of ingredients is a guarantee that the horns, feathers or spaghetti will not stick together and will not come out oversalted.

In addition, the side dish will have an appetizing appearance. The pasta will be elastic and have a bright taste.

And you need to understand three important points. First, there should be a lot of water. Second, it is better to overdo it with liquid than with pasta or spices. Third, you will have to use a large saucepan.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief