When preparing an omelette, even experienced housewives cannot be sure that the dish will be of the right volume and suitable texture.
However, it is not a matter of luck or fortune: you just need to strictly follow the rules.
First of all, a small diameter cast iron frying pan is purchased for an omelette, since only such cookware can provide the result we need.
What other secrets do you need to know?
To make an omelette, it is important to combine two main components: eggs and milk. However, sometimes they cannot form a homogeneous mass.
Or the housewife gets too carried away with the process, resulting in a baked good.
You need to take a whisk and simply carefully combine the two products.
Initial volume
It is important to remember that a centimeter-thick layer of the preparation will not be able to become fluffy. Therefore, you need to correctly calculate the amount of ingredients from the very beginning.
Therefore, the optimal thickness of the initial layer of the omelette should be at least three centimeters.
Don't waste time waiting
Don't start making an omelette unless you're sure you can get it on the stove right away. It's important to cook this dish right away.