Not all housewives know how to soak peas correctly.
As a result, the legume may turn out to be extremely hard or complicate the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
Therefore, it is worth remembering the most important subtleties.
What do they consist of?
Right time
The soaking time of peas depends on two factors. If the legume is whole, it needs to be soaked longer. Split peas do not need to wait long.
Also, a lot depends on the temperature. If it is cool in the kitchen, it is better to leave the peas overnight. If, on the contrary, it is warm at home, then you can devote only a couple of hours to the process.
You shouldn't immediately pour water over the peas and leave them: a better solution would be to first rinse them under regular water. As a rule, the water is drained at least six times.
Quality assessment
After you have washed the legume, you can safely assess the quality of the peas. Obviously damaged elements should be removed so that they do not spoil the taste and quality of the dish.