How to speed up the cooking process of pea porridge: tricks that many forget

04.09.2023 22:15

Peas have a very recognizable taste that many people like, which easily explains the popularity of dishes based on this legume.

But peas have one significant drawback.

It is that the peas need to be cooked for too long. First we have to soak them overnight, then cook them for a long time if we want to achieve a puree consistency.

Not every housewife wants to "burden" herself with such complexities. Therefore, there are two tricks that will help to significantly shorten the process of cooking legumes.

What do they consist of?


Many people use this trick when cooking potatoes for a side dish: the product helps the vegetable cook much faster.

Photo: Pixabay

The whole secret lies in creating a film on the surface of the water.

The same rule works with peas. Just throw a sandwich piece into the pan. By the way, this will not only reduce the cooking time, but also make the peas more tender and tasty.


Many people know about this trick, since soda has been used by housewives as an “accelerator” for cooking peas since Soviet times.

Just a couple of pinches will be enough to reduce the cooking time.

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What do they consist of?
  2. Butter
  3. Soda