Nowadays, most housewives are actively involved in the process of preparing food for the winter, so that during the cold season they can always find a tasty treat at hand.
However, some tricks may surprise many.
For example, some housewives treat the lids of canned goods with mustard.

What is the point of this trick?
It is worth mentioning right away that we are talking about jars that you have already managed to "put into use", that is, opened. If we are talking about three-liter preparations, then you are unlikely to be able to use them right away, even if you have a large family.
In this case, it is necessary to consider options for proper storage so that the pickles remain suitable for consumption for as long as possible.
In such cases, housewives take the lids, apply a layer of regular mustard using a culinary brush and cover the jar.
With this approach, pickles remain of high quality for a long time and do not spoil.
You can also do it differently. You can put a small spoon of mustard in the jar. It is worth noting that the brine will be even more delicious and piquant.