Many housewives have heard that it is customary to add strong alcohol to the composition of real fish soup.
However, it is customary to explain this with a very simple reason: if you cook fresh fish outdoors, then vodka supposedly helps to produce a kind of antibacterial activity.
But this is not entirely correct. As it turns out, the traditional alcoholic drink is being introduced for a completely different reason.
Why add vodka to the fish soup?
An alcoholic drink is better than any other option for providing a luxurious broth that is incredibly clean and clear.
There is no need to worry about the healthy soup developing a characteristic bitter taste or that it cannot be served to children.
During cooking, there will be no trace of vodka left: the drink will complete its task of clarifying the fish broth and evaporate.
Therefore, a glass of vodka can be added to the fish soup in any case.
It is also worth remembering one simple trick: if you want the fish soup to be not only attractive from an aesthetic point of view, but also tasty, you should use 2-3 types of fish.