Champignons can safely be called the most popular variety among modern housewives, as they can always be found in any grocery store.
Such mushrooms not only "please" with their cost, but are also always a safe product.
But champignons have one significant drawback: they never give the proper aroma and depth of taste like porcini mushrooms.

However, porcini mushrooms are very expensive, so not everyone can indulge themselves with ideal dishes. But with the help of one trick, you can cook champignons so that no one will distinguish them from an expensive product.
What needs to be done for this?
As it turns out, it is enough to go for one harmless trick. In the store, it is worth finding any forest mushrooms that are sold dried. The cost at first glance may seem high, but there is no need to worry: the product will last us for a very long period of time.
We put the dried mushrooms in a coffee grinder and make a special powder. We pour it into a jar for bulk products. Make sure that the container is airtight.
When preparing any treats with champignons, it is worth adding a couple of spoons of our secret powder. You will be amazed by the result.