How to properly cook bone broth so that it is not only tasty but also healthy

12.05.2023 02:30

Modern housewives cook broths mainly with meat, although bones have been used for this purpose since time immemorial. And it's not just that meat can be eaten in another form, but bones need to be used in food somehow.

Bone broth and bone broth-based soups were considered healing in many traditional cuisines. And modern science has confirmed this.

Why is it important to eat bone broth?

The correct broth or aspic (solid broth) was boiled for about a day, and sometimes more. During this time, all the useful substances passed from the bones, skin, connective tissue, bone marrow and tendons into the water.

The main value for the human body is amino acids, which suppress inflammatory processes in the body, restore the intestinal and gastric mucosa, and protect the intestines from pathogenic bacteria.

Thanks to the natural gelatin contained in the liquid, joint diseases are prevented. The broth also contains substances that are necessary for the production of collagen by our body, which allows us to maintain youth and beauty.

Photo: © Belnovosti

With regular use of this broth, the skin becomes smooth, rashes disappear, hair looks shiny and healthy, and wrinkles appear much less often and much later.

Important: You should buy bones from private farm owners or from farmers whose products you trust.

Cooking Features

To ensure that bone broth is not only tasty but also healthy, you should follow some cooking rules.

1. Boil the bones for at least 12 hours. If they are pork or beef, it is better to do this for 24-48 hours.

2. It is recommended to use those parts where there are joints. You can also boil the legs, necks, wings of chicken or other birds. But it should not be broiler, as they grow too quickly and the bones do not even have time to fully form. Look for "spare parts" of laying hens.

3. The bones should take up at least 1/3 of the container, the rest is water.

4. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum. The broth should not boil. It should simmer. Small bubbles may rise from the bottom, but there should be no active boiling.

5. To make it even tastier and healthier, you need to put several carrots, peeled onions, bay leaves, celery stalks or root, and black peppercorns in a saucepan. Salt is added at the beginning of cooking. The amount of ingredients depends on the amount of bones and water.

Bone broth can be used as a base for soups, porridges and main courses, drunk as a medicinal tea, made into jellied meat and even frozen for future use.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Why is it important to eat bone broth?
  2. Cooking Features