Many cooks do not waste time on trifles, and if they cook pancakes, they cook a whole stack at once.
But what to do if everyone in the household is already fed up with baked goods, and there is still a mountain of pancakes and crepes on the table?
In this case, you should wait until the pancakes have cooled completely, and then place them on a plate, forming a neat stack.

Cover the appetizing mound with a plastic bag, wrapping it in such a way that no air gets inside, and put the resulting structure in the refrigerator.
In this form, pancakes can easily last for about three days.
Before serving the pancakes, you will have to grease each one with heated oil, and then heat the entire stack at once.
However, there is another storage option that will allow pancakes to stay fresh for a whole month.
As you might have guessed, for this they should be sent to the freezer. Frozen pancakes are defrosted in the refrigerator.