Inexperienced housewives who have not yet learned how to prepare delicate puree with an airy-creamy texture may sometimes encounter a sticky and viscous consistency of the puree.
However, it is worth knowing that only two mistakes lead to this result.
What do they consist of?
We chose a potato variety with an excess of starch
If you are not an experienced gardener who can identify the potato variety by its appearance, then choosing a root vegetable with a low starch content is difficult.
You can conduct a kind of experiment at home. To do this, you just need to cut the vegetable into two halves and try to glue them together.
If the potato pieces are tightly packed together, the product is not suitable for mashing. But even starchy potatoes can be "fixed".
To do this, soak it in cold water for about 30 minutes before cooking.
Many people give in to temptation and start mashing potatoes using blenders and mixers. But this is the main reason for spoiled mashed potatoes.
It is better to buy a high-quality masher that will help you always achieve excellent results.