Why Children Grow Up Selfish: 3 Mistakes Parents Make

03.11.2024 10:30

It is always worth remembering that children grow up to be the people we raise them to be.

Whether intentionally or not, we are the ones to blame for their selfishness.

Not everyone sees this as a problem, considering that it is normal to take care of one's own interests. However, later you will face the consequences of your own children's selfishness when they become adults.

Photo: Pixabay

What errors cause this?

We buy them the best of everything.

Many children stop appreciating things and gifts only because they receive the best and most expensive things at the first request. This strengthens their belief in material values.

Therefore, try to teach your child modesty and gratitude.

The child's opinion becomes the most important

Sometimes parents build their lives around the interests of their children, completely forgetting about themselves and their personal needs. The child begins to think that this is how it should be.

That's why such children grow up selfish.

We only care about ourselves

Sometimes the situation may be different: if a child receives little because mom and dad are too focused on themselves, then he begins to take care of himself independently.

Over time, this can develop into real selfishness.

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What errors cause this?
  2. We buy them the best of everything.
  3. The child's opinion becomes the most important
  4. We only care about ourselves

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